There is a chill in the air and twinkling lights abound. That means it is time to nomination someone for the Christmas/Winter Beautificaiton Award. Here are the winners from the past three years and they are not eligiable to win this year.
2022 Winner: 10 Elmwood Ct, Pamela & Steven Tester
2021 Winner: 146 Lake Park Dr, Brad & Julie Eglian
2020 Winner: 151 Lake Park Dr, Mike & Shannon Eglian
2019 Winner: 32 Shaw Dr, JoAnn Combs
2018 Winner: 1 Bittersweet Dr, Mullins
We will be accepting nominations from December 8-15.
Submit your nomination no later than 12:00pm on December 15. Any submissions after 3:00pm will not be accepted.
Voting will only be for addresses within the corporate city limits. If you are unsure of your address you can check it here.
Voting will begin December 16 and run through December 28. The winner will be announced at the January 4th meeting.
Enjoy pictures from last year’s winner.