It’s that time of year to nominate and vote for the best Halloween/Fall decorations. As usual the winners from the past 5 years, can not be nominated.
2022 Winner: 3750 Ridgewood Ct, Derek & Katrina Harney
2021 Winner: 3744 Lisa Ln, James & Paula Bogart
2020 Winner: 146 Lake Park Dr, Brad & Julie Eglian
2019 Winner: 158 Lake Park Dr, Craig & Sarah Fox
2018 Winner: 4 Canterbury Ct, Connie Sharp
We will be accepting nominations from October 12 thru October 20.
Submit your nomination no later than 3pm on October 20. Any submissions after 3:00pm will not be accepted.
After we have complied the list we will post the voting form here and you can vote for your favorite from October 21 thru October 30. We will announce the winner at the November 2 City Council Meeting.