Police Reports & Forms

Police Resources

Forms/Websites available for the use of the general public

Civilian Collision Report

Accident Reports Online

Emergency Business Form

Vacation Check Information Form

Crime Stoppers



How to Obtain a Report in Person

Our administrative office is open Monday through Friday from 9 AM to 5 PM. Reports take 3 to 4 business days from the date of the incident to process. We do not simply take reports; we do everything we can to see to their accuracy. Therefore, the filing of a report is not a quick process.


Office: 859-635-4126
Fax: 859-635-4123

email: police@alexandriaky.org


Traffic Accidents

Kentucky is a “uniform” reporting state which means all agencies are required by law to use the same forms and processes. Traffic accident reports are entered into our computers and sent directly to the Kentucky State Police Records Section for audit and approval.

To obtain a copy of your accident report, simply go to Buycrash and enter the information listed below. There will be a $10.00 charge. You will be able to view, download and print your report directly from the website. The information: Date, Badge Number, Last Name, Local Code and Agency ORI should have been given to you at the time of the accident.

Reports that our department did not handle cannot be retrieved by our agency ORI number. We hope this process will be of assistance to you for more convenience and timeliness.

Per KRS 189.635: To obtain a copy of a vehicle accident report, you must be a party to the accident, the parent or guardian of a minor who is party to the accident, insurers of any party who is the subject of the report, or an attorney of the parties.


Crime Reports And Other Incident Reports

Officers file “Uniform Offense Reports” on all criminal activity such as burglary, theft, criminal mischief, etc. All reports must be entered into the computer and approved by a supervisor prior to release. Again this process may take 3 to 4 working days.

Incident reports and dispatch runs are also available to the public, however, if record clerks are back logged there may be an additional delay. We must prioritize our records entry so as to accommodate people who have extenuating issues pending.


Kentucky Open Records

We make every attempt to comply with citizen requests for open records information. An “Open Records Request Form” is available by fax, however, the records must be picked up in person. The form must be completed before we will release any record to individuals who are not involved in the initial reporting process.

Sex Offender Registry

The Kentucky State Police by Law are charged with keeping the Sex/Criminal Offender Registry. This website is provided as a result of recent changes in KRS Chapter 17, Kentucky’s version of “Megan’s Law”. The Kentucky State Police is now providing sex/criminal offender registration information to the public through this website. The intent of this site is public safety and awareness. This database is made available to alert possible victims of potential danger, not to punish or embarrass offenders. Convicted sex/criminal offenders have always lived in our communities, only in recent years have laws been passed which have required these offenders to register with authorities. Unfortunately, many convicted offenders do re-offend. There is an overriding public interest and need to ensure the safety of the public by providing registered offender information. It is important to note that not all criminal offenses require registration with the state police, only those covered by the statute.

The Alexandria Police Department is committed to keeping our community safe from sexual predators.

Click here to search the registry

Missing Children
DUI Foundations

Driving under the influence of alcohol and other impairing substances is an epidemic in our society that doesn’t appear to be going away in the near future. We can never educate people enough on the dangers of this behavior and the consequences it can have on the driver and others around them. It is our goal to help people realize the life-altering effects drinking and driving can have on us and hopefully convince our visitors to think twice the next time they consider getting behind the wheel after having a few too many.